The Connected Workshop

Find Relief from Negative Emotions & Limiting Belief

You Often Feel

Overworked &


You've paid your dues and climbed the metaphoric ladder, yet you feel undervalued, unfulfilled, and trapped by what you've created.

Insecure &

You’re not confident in your decisions lately, you don’t feel grounded and want to start creating a healthier habits and a more balanced lifestyle.

Exhausted &

You've put everyone else's needs before yours, and it's left you feeling exhausted. You feel like you've lost your spark.

About the Workshop

Our bodies are very sensitive and intelligent vessels. It’s always keeping track of everything we experience, and it’s always communicating with us. Unfortunately, we’ve been socialized to glorify the mind (cognitive skills, reasoning) and disregard the body — except when we’re adorning, modifying, and or managing pain/illness. The goal of bodywork is to deepen the connection between body and mind because they work as one. You may have had experiences repeating affirmations and thinking positively but had little to no success in eliminating the problem. In the Connected Workshop: Using Bodywork to Heal the Mind & Body you’re going to learn to speak the language of your body through a self-directed practice. So that you can finally find relief from the negative emotions, and beliefs that are encoded in your system.

  • Learn how to use bodywork to rapidly encourage deep relaxation and overcome limiting beliefs.

  • Engage in an invigorating bodywork practice that will transform your relationship with stress and negative emotions.

  • Shift your awareness away from survivor’s mode to a state of peace and balance.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your body’s feedback system.

  • Feel more connected and empowered on your wellness journey.

  • Re-cultivate a deeper level of compassion for yourself.

  • And so much more...

Does this resonate?

Despite signs of burn out, you keep pushing yourself because you believe you’re an underdog and so you have to prove yourself.

You define your success by your achievements and strive to feel good through validation, approval and competence.

You’ve achieved success but feel suffocated by what you’ve created — feeling that something is missing but you don’t know what it is.

You often prioritize work at the expense of your health, relationships and overall care.

You feel ‘off’ and wonder where the old you went.

You feel guilty about how you decompress after a long day — too much wine and weed — and you’re looking for something healthier to relieve the pressure.

You’re a worrier and over thinker, you often see the flaws in your achievements and obsess over tiny details that have no impact on the big picture.

You’re an information junkie, you’re up to date on the latest wellness trends but struggle to implement these tools in your own life.

You feel like you’re on a hamster wheel and you can never seem to find time for yourself.

You’re often comparing yourself to others and think that everyone else has life figured out, except you. You want to make a change but you don’t know where to start.

You have an endless list of ‘To-Dos’ and things you want to work on but you often feel unaccomplished — a master of none.

You’re overwhelmed and stressed but no one around you seems to get it because you’re — ‘the strong one,’the successful one,’ ‘the one that made it out.’

You’ll make positive shifts

Overwhelmed to Balanced

Undervalued to Worthy

Not grounded to Connected

Fearful to Excited

Stuck to Unstuck

Unsupported to Supported


Hi! I’m Faviana, it’s lovely to meet you.

I’ll be your facilitator for the Connected Workshop: Using Bodywork to Heal the Mind & Body.

Wellness is our birthright.

With the right tools, each of us has the power to heal ourselves. I’m excited to share this technique with you so that you can finally get some relief and get your spark back!



The Connected Workshop: Using Bodywork to Heal the Mind & Body is a live 3hr experience where you’ll learn to free yourself form negative emotions and limiting beliefs

1x Payment of


One time payment of $300 for the live 3hr workshop experience. New workshop date to be announced. Stay tuned!

2x Payment of


Two payments of $175 each, a total $350 for the live 3hr workshop experience. New workshop date to be announced. Stay tuned!